Hello FirstGem! Welcome to our amazing platform. We would like you to know that we are happy to have you on our platform. We promise you a fulfilling and rewarding time on here!

The FirstGem community is a place where brilliant, amazing and like-minded women gather to learn and discuss day to-day life issues. There are 6 different groups in our community and you can join as many groups as possible.


One exciting feature of our community is that you get to interact with our celebrity Champions who share informative and enlightening content in their various groups.


If you haven’t, kindly join any community group that resonates with you and start interacting with likeminded FirstGem Women who are changing the narrative of female financial freedom and building real wealth.


Once you’ve completed your registration, you will begin to receive updates on activities in the community in your mailbox. Do endeavor to participate in the community discussions, you just might win something.


Overall, our goal is to help you build sustainable wealth and help you secure your financial future!

If you have any inquiries, please send us a message at [email protected]


Here’s a list of the groups in our community and a preview of the topics we’ll be discussing and taking questions on.



  • Mouthwatering Local and Intercontinental Recipes
  • Tested and trusted food preservation techniques &
  • Practical tips to up your game in the kitchen.



We'll be discussing topical career issues including how to;

  • Fast track your career growth
  • Achieve work-life balance & stay motivated in the process.


We’ll be taking questions and discussing the Money Market and key financial terms such as Shares, Mutual funds, Investments among others.

We'll also be sharing insights on;

  • Strategic savings schemes
  • Wealth creation
  • Making smart money decisions.   


We’ll be taking questions and sharing practical tips on living a healthy lifestyle daily including:

  • -           Prevention to diseases and infections
  • -            Health care tips
  • -            Fitness and diet. Etc.
  • -            Maternity health tips.


We’ll be sharing professional advice and taking questions on:

  • -            How to look good and live your best life.
  • -            How to achieve that all round glow.
  • -            Skincare routines for women at different ages. Etc.

 To join any of these groups, please go to www.firstgem.com.ng/community to sign up.