Ladies, we are now down to the bare truth as the make-up studios and hair dressing salons are ‘no go’ areas for safety reasons.

We have to wear our ‘crowns of glory’ with dignity and poise. 

The interesting part of this matter is that a lot of ladies use the salons as ‘an escape route’ from revealing ‘what is truly underneath’.

For a while now, we all have to stay in front of those we love the most in our ‘truly naked’ state for so many more hours, day and night! 

We bare it all now. Any past neglect of what is ‘truly yours’ as a result of ‘trauma to the scalp’  from excessive hair tints, braiding, twisting, perms, locks and those glorious 12 inch Brazilian or Indian ‘weave-on’ may have caught us off guard with our previously hectic schedules!

But really, how did we get so carried away with everyday hustle and bustle that we forgot to truly treasure our God-given locks?

Now the truth of the matter is that our hair truly matters.

We must now have to allow our natural hair to be beautiful and better groomed than all our wigs and weaves. 

As the whole world re-prioritizes the way we work, play and even live: 

We as ladies have to make a pledge:

To faithfully keep our natural hair, 

Moist, glossy and well groomed

To look after it with optimum care!

To keep my lock as healthy as can be,

To defend it from ‘hair trauma’, 

And uphold my locks with dignity and glory

So help me buddies!