
  • As the world (including Nigeria), attempts to resume work in full, the need to remember business etiquette becomes paramount.

  • Etiquette is a code that delineates expectations for social behaviour according to contemporary conventional norms within a society, social class or group. 

  • Business etiquette is an expected behaviour from us as individuals and action, within the confines of an organisation, a social class or group.


  • Etiquette is a set of unwritten rules that applies to social situations, professional workplaces and relationships. 

  • Business etiquette is about building commercial relationships with other people. 

  • Etiquette is about providing basic social comfort and creating an environment where everyone feels comfortable.


  • It differentiates you from others in a competitive market.

  • Modifies distracting behaviour and develops admired conduct.

  • Honours commitment to excellence and quality.

  • Makes communication clearer.

  • Builds strong business relationship and trust.

  • Promotes a positive business atmosphere.

  • Enhances work status, in terms of competence, confidence and professionalism.’

    The 10 Business Etiquette Rules for Corporate Offices, Every Professional Should Know:

  • Be punctual and use your full name when introducing yourself.

  • Stop crossing and uncrossing your legs in meetings.

  • Don't eat at your desk.

  • Don't just walk into someone's office. 

  • Keep personal items off the table (including those beautiful hand bags).

  • Keep questions to a minimum in meetings. 

  • Reply to everyone on emails when it's necessary.

  • Remove people from email threads who don't need to be there.

  • Limit your “Thank Yous’’ but say “Thank You."

Culture and expectations differ from company to company, and country to country, so what’s rude at one workplace may be normal at another.

       Types of business etiquette

  • Telephone Etiquette: refers to the principles of behaviours that one should use while having a business telephone conversation. 

  • Dinning Etiquette: refers to the principles of behaviours that one should use while having a business dinner or meal.  

  • Office Etiquette: refers to the principles of behaviours that one should use in a workplace.

  • Meeting Etiquette: refers to the principles of behaviours that one should use while having a business meeting.

  • Netiquette: the acceptable way of using the internet, in this case the E-mail, Conference calls/ meetings and chatting etiquettes.

    How do you learn business etiquette?

Practise proper business etiquette on a daily basis. The only way to ensure you exude proper business etiquette when meeting with executives is to practise it. 

Do not reserve your best behaviour for ‘important clients’. Instead, use it every day on all of your co-workers until it becomes second nature. 

If we can get out of the habit of interrupting co-workers when they are talking and into the habit of smiling and greeting the cleaning crew like old friends on a daily basis, you will probably behave more appropriately when approached by the CEO or other business leaders.