Every member of the family has had their routine changed and amended abruptly. Hence plans for ‘home entertainment’ were not part of the emergency purchases by mothers and fathers! Some parents did not have enough time to pay for online internet services for the new month of April or the cable TV subscription (for those fortunate enough to have this at home)! Even some forgot to recharge the ‘pay-as you go prepaid ‘NEPA”…opps.. electricity’’ bills, etc.
Thank goodness for on-line banking services from the comfort of your home! Most of these bills can be sorted out bit by bit to ensure we get the utility services within our reach up and running before the long Easter weekend, to make the lock in as comfortable as we can. The reality is that we have no choice but to make the best of what is at hand… the great challenge for us as women is now to put on our creative thinking caps yet again and come up with a time table of indoor activities that can cure boredom…here are a few suggestions too.
Good old board and card games must come out of the closet, dust them up and get the family going…snakes and ladders, Ludo, Scrabble (name some games that are easy to learn), so we can add to our list of ideas for this season!!
Indoor games like skipping, Hop Scotch (Su-ee), Table Tennis, Table Soccer, etc are good bonding games and need no electricity, so executing such games is budget friendly.
In –house, singing, learning a play to present to the family or getting young children to do a dancing choreography, will help keep all focussed and challenged.
Mental group games like ‘’I spy with my little eyes’’, General knowledge, Spelling Bee and even recitals of different types by ‘Passing the Basket’’ can be hilarious and get all members of the family involved.
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