Posture is the position in which we hold our bodies while standing, sitting, bending or lying down.
Good body posture is ‘the correct alignment of body parts’, supported by the right amount of ‘muscle - tension’ against gravity.
Without posture and the muscles that control it we will simply fall to the ground.
The key to good posture is the position of your spine.
Our spines have 3 natural curves - at the neck, mid back and low back.
Correct posture should maintain these curves, (but not increase them). Our heads should be above our shoulders and the top of our shoulders should be over the hips!
Good posture is more than standing up straight, so you can look your best. It is an important part of your long term health.
Holding your body the right way, (whether you are moving or still) can prevent pain, injuries and other health problems.
There are 2 types of posture:
DYNAMIC POSTURE: is how we hold ourselves when moving, like walking, running or bending to pick up something.
STATIC POSTURE: is how we hold ourselves when we are not moving, like when we are sitting, standing or sleeping.
It is important to have good, dynamic and static posture to maintain good health. Poor posture like slouching and slumping can be bad for your health (it is not just for the fashionistas)!
Bad posture can:
Misalign our musculoskeletal system.
Wear away your spine, making it fragile and prone to injury.
Cause neck, shoulder and back pain.
Decrease your flexibility.
Affect how well the joints move.
Affect your balance and increase your risk of falling.
Make it harder to digest your food.
Make it harder to breathe.
A few tips on how to improve posture:
Be mindful of your posture.
Stay active.
Maintain a healthy weight.
Wear comfortable, low heeled shoes.
Ensure work surfaces are at a comfortable height.
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